Chapter Board

Chapter Board

The Board of the S-Chapter is made up of ten members (or representatives) whom hold many various responsibilites within the chapter. The Board is mainly in charge of the economic and legal chapter issues as well as the study social operations which concern all chapter members. It is lead by the president and vice president of the Board and handles important work throughout their one year mandate.

Read more about the Chapter Board below and find contact information to all representatives. If you have an issue or question for the Board and feel unsure as to where to turn, you can reach the entire board through their joint e-mail at: where you will be directed to the proper channels.

The electoral process

All members of the S-Chapter are welcome to apply for candidacy to the Board. Candidates for the President of the Chapter Board and the Vice President of the Chapter Board are presented during SM3 (first chapter meeting of the fall semester). After which there is an offical election where all chapter members can vote for the candidates online. During SM4 (the last chapter meeting of the fall semester) the results are presented to the members and the President and Vice President are sworn in. Candidates for the other members and representatives of the Board are however all presented as well as elected during SM4. If you have further questions on how to candidate for any of the roles within the Chapter Board you can contact our own election committee within the S-Chapter (Valberedningen) at: