Hi all international students and welcome to KTH and the S-chapter! Here, we’ll tell you all about what you can expect from your time at KTH!
The S-chapter is one of many chapters at KTH, consisting of a bunch of activities and groups that’ll make every second at KTH a blast.
“But what is a chapter?” you might ask. Well, think of it like Hogwarts houses, where THS (the student union) is hogwarts and all the chapters are different houses. The chapters are program specific and in our case it’s for students studying Civil Engineering, Real Estate Management, Traffic/Urban Planning and more!
On this website, you can find information about all the groups at S – but if you’re unsure of anything, the ambassadeur group is who you can contact! The ambassadeur group is the link between the chapter and the international students, and also the organisers of the master reception. more about the groups can be found under “föreningar”. You can contact the group through:
E-mail: ambassadeur@s-sektionen.se
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sambassadeur
Instagram: @sambassadeurkth
The Master Reception
During your first weeks at KTH, THS international will organize a reception full of activities and parties etc but when they’re done, we take over to organize events specific for S-chapter students. This reception begins in late august and ends after 2-3 weeks. Everything takes part after school hours, so don’t worry – you’ll get to study smart and have fun at the same time! More information about the reception will be provided once school enrollment begins.
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions – either about KTH, S-chapter, reception or Sweden/Stockholm in general! We hope you’ll enjoy your time here!